MRAA Dealer Week
Location: Tampa, FL Sea Fox Boat Co.
Bradenton Boat Show
Dealer: Black Label Marine Location: Bradenton, FL
Birmingham Boat Show
Location: Birmingham, AL Dealer: Momentum Marine Exhibiting: 268C
Cincinnati Boat, Sport, and Travel Show
Location: Cincinnati, OH Dealer: Coast to Coast Marine Exhibiting: 268 Commander and 248 Side Console.
New York Boat Show
Location: New York, NY Dealers: Amity Harbor, FR Smith and Sons, and Sandy Hook Exhibiting: 248 Commander, 268 Commander, 288 Commander, and 328 Commander.
Halifax International Boat Show
Location: Halifax, NS Canada Dealer: Seamasters Marine Services Exhibiting: 228 Traveler, 228 Commander, 248 Side Console, and 268 Traveler.
Kentucky Sport, Boat, and Recreation Show
Location: Lexington, KY Dealer: Coast to Coast Exhibiting: 268 Commander and 248 Side Console.
Bart Hall Boat Show
Location: San Diego, CA Dealer: Sea Witch Marine Exhibiting: 228 Commander, 248 Commander, 268 Commander, and 288 Commander.
Richmond Raceway RVA Family Boat Show
Location: Richmond, VA Dealer: Nautical Marine Exhibiting: 228 Commander, 228 Traveler, 248 Side Console, 251 Bay Fox, 268 Commander, 268 Traveler, and 288 Commander
Philadelphia Fishing Show
Location: Philadelphia, PA Dealer: Highway Marine Exhibiting: 228 Commander
Ocean City Seaside Boat Show
Location: Ocean City, Maryland Dealer: Intrinsic Yacht and Ship Exhibiting: 248 Commander and 251 Bay Fox
Central Carolina Boat and Fishing Expo
Location: Greensboro, NC Dealer: Buy Boats